Troubleshoot Adsense Ads Not Appearing In New Published Posts

Troubleshoot Adsense Ads Not Appearing In New Published Posts

Lately the Adsense publishers complained much that Adsense ads often do not show up or Adsense ads are blank, especially for newly published posts. Of course this makes the Adsense publisher gloomy, the article of income to decline because the ads often do not appear or blank.

Many speculations are popping up, among which Google is probably doing an update on all products, one of them Adsense.

And in fact, Google continues to update its products. For example Page Speed ​​Insight that now has changed for the results of measuring, and reportedly layout or design Google Search Console will also soon be updated and is now included in the Beta version.

Similarly with Adsense, Google has changed the way ad serving on the website. Now Adsense will not automatically memonitize web or blog if the web or blog or a page of the web or blog is not yet or can not be accessed Adsense bot. That way allows Adsense to more easily monitor all posts made to fit the adsense policy.

This change is clearly visible when we publish a new post. All Adsense ads do not appear or blank in newly published posts.

This of course makes sense, because the new post is probably not yet accessible to Google's bot. Adsense Ads will appear after the page is accessed by Google bot.

For that, make sure Google bot can crawl our blog, as well as Adsense bot. Make sure we enable robots.txt and grant access to the crawler robots.

Oh yes, now also appears a warning in Google Search Console if we do not enable robots.txt on the blog. It says that the Google robot could not crawl the blog because it did not find the robots.txt file for bot access rights.

So for these issues, please do the following:

• Make sure you have already created a property in Google Search Console, then verify ownership of the site or blog with meta code or with other methods, and do not forget to submit your sitemap blog with sitemap.xml.
• Enable robots.txt on blogs, if you're still using robots.txt like the following:

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google


User-agent: *

Disallow: /search

Allow: /

Sitemap: http://your-blognamre/feeds/posts/default?orderby=UPDATED

Please replace with robots.txt below, robots.txt above will actually block Adsense bots to crawl the blog. Be careful with the seo friendly robots.txt setting tutorial that will actually block the Adsense bot. Please use robots.txt below.

User-agent: *

Disallow: /search

Allow: /

Sitemap: http://your-blogname/sitemap.xml

Please adjust the sitemap URL with the URL of your Canonical blog. If using SSL, then use HTTPS, and keep in mind for Blogger domains always use the www salam except those using sub domains.

• After publishing a post, please submit the new post at to speed up the process of crawling Google bot on the post.

Now that I feel Adsense ads have started normal though sometimes there is a blank slot.

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